If you are a registered Democrat you will find at least one of the races below to vote for on your ballot. All Democrats in Lee County will get to choose who to send to the November 8th election for US Senate.
If you live in the city of Sanford you will get to vote for Mayor and if you live in Ward 1 of the city of Sanford, you will have the opportunity to vote for a candidate to send to the July 26th municipal election.
Here is the list of candidates for US Senate to choose from.
James L. Carr, Jr. - https://www.carrjr4senate.com/
Robert Colon -
Alyssia Rose-Katherine Hammond -
Constance (Lov) Johnson - https://constancelovjohnson.com/
Tobias LaGrone - https://ncnewday.com/
B. K. Maginnis -https://ballotpedia.org/B.K._Maginnis
Rett Newton - https://www.rettnewton.com/
Marcus W. Williams - http://www.williamshouseusa.com/
Greg Antoine - https://www.greg4nc.com/
Cheri Beasley - https://cheribeasley.com/
Chrelle Booker - https://electchrellebooker.com/
If you live in the city of Sanford you may choose from the following for mayor.
Samuel P. Gaskins - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQP9gUNoOlA
Rebecca Wyhof Salmon - https://www.votesalmon.com
If you live in Ward 1 in the city of Sanford you may choose from the following.
Mark Akinosho - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005062069181
Ken Britton - https://www.facebook.com/kenbritton4sanfordcc
If you live in the city of Sanford you will get to vote for Mayor and if you live in Ward 1 of the city of Sanford, you will have the opportunity to vote for a candidate to send to the July 26th municipal election.
Here is the list of candidates for US Senate to choose from.
James L. Carr, Jr. - https://www.carrjr4senate.com/
Robert Colon -
Alyssia Rose-Katherine Hammond -
Constance (Lov) Johnson - https://constancelovjohnson.com/
Tobias LaGrone - https://ncnewday.com/
B. K. Maginnis -https://ballotpedia.org/B.K._Maginnis
Rett Newton - https://www.rettnewton.com/
Marcus W. Williams - http://www.williamshouseusa.com/
Greg Antoine - https://www.greg4nc.com/
Cheri Beasley - https://cheribeasley.com/
Chrelle Booker - https://electchrellebooker.com/
If you live in the city of Sanford you may choose from the following for mayor.
Samuel P. Gaskins - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQP9gUNoOlA
Rebecca Wyhof Salmon - https://www.votesalmon.com
If you live in Ward 1 in the city of Sanford you may choose from the following.
Mark Akinosho - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005062069181
Ken Britton - https://www.facebook.com/kenbritton4sanfordcc